Sunday, April 5, 2015

Testing Suppliers Capabilities Always Do A Road Test

Testing Suppliers Capabilities Always Do A Road Test 

Never incorporate a new supplier without an actual test run of buying an item from them period and no exceptions. Have a purchasing professional pretend they are an end user, play dumb and actually order an item form the new supplier. Review the entire transaction process to include acknowledgement and invoice payment. Check on status often. This one road test tip will save you mountains of headaches and resistance to change. Folks do not really want new suppliers. They will latch on to any mistake to justify their resistance and castigate the new supplier. During
trial periods new suppliers are most vulnerable to detractors and attackers. Make sure you meet frequently with them. You need to act almost with SWAT team efficiency when a problem occurs and solve it immediately. Agree to problem solving procedures in advance and deadlines. Solve glitches and explain what happened openly. This is not the time for shoving things under the rug or stonewalling problems. Fix them on the spot whenever possible.

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