Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Pilots Are For Doubters, Naysayers, and Obstruc­tionists

Pilots Are For Doubters, Naysayers, and Obstruc­tionists
New process or new initiative pilots are good for certain supply management ventures but don’t procrastinate or extend them out ad infinitum. It’s a good way for the resistance to kill you off. The burden of proof is 51 percent or reasonable. It’s not beyond a reasonable doubt or a 12-0 unani­mous jury vote. If you use the later criteria you will never have a successful pilot. Make sure one person is accountable for the pilot beach­head and can understand the total picture. Folks love experiments, but remember that the first rule of experiments is to have controls!
If you get consensus in a kaizen, change the process, change it right away! Do not lose momentum.

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